How to Deal With Anxiety

By LuisWert

Understand that anxiety is not your fault

Why are we collectively dealing with so much anxiety?

Understanding the source of anxiety is vital and understanding it’s not your fault will be your first step toward freeing yourself of its devastating impact on daily life. Simply put, people are designed to survive, so we all tend towards having negative mindsets which help us live and protect us from danger. These defense mechanisms can be quite powerful; in fact, many depend on them for survival; they allow us to maintain reserves of energy so if a real emergency should arise we are equipped to draw on that stored reserve when facing attacks or traumas.

Imagine this as having savings in a bank, which could be used in case of emergency. Unfortunately, this antiquated system is constantly activated by stress in our modern lives; cortisol – the chemical responsible for stress – is continually released, leaving many of us in constant states of fight or flight response; many have developed an automatic response and developed an habitual pattern of tension and Anxiety Treatment.

Understand your subconscious power

Your subconscious is open and responsive to suggestion; in reality you have greater power than you realize over calming anxiety and remaining at peace and secure. Due to the powerful influence of your subconscious mind, it’s crucial that you learn how to address its concerns effectively. Consider it like this: your subconscious mind is like an infant while your conscious mind is like a child; every word spoken will elicit either love or fear in response, depending on your beliefs and thoughts; why wouldn’t you want to show your child more kindness and calm? Being positive doesn’t involve changing who you are; rather, it involves connecting to what’s already there – an aspect of yourself which lives moment by moment unaffected. Accessing that part is what leads to greater positivity as it programs your subconscious mind to focus more on love than fear, which leads to anxiety.


Discover a positive self-concept

Recounting events of your life (both internally and publicly to others) is a form of storytelling, and how you do this will have an immense effect on how you live your life. How you discuss yourself, family, home life and even work will create perceptions about how well your life has turned out – including perceptions that could change drastically based on how well the story you tell yourself goes down! Remember you are telling this tale for your own memory’s sake so make it memorable!

How to Implement Positive Self-Concepts Into Daily Life. From morning until nightfall, visualize your daily routine in the way that will best support how you want to feel, think and act. Our minds possess an extraordinary capacity for visualizing something – when we shut our eyes and think of an image our bodies react as though that thing happened in real life! Upon reflection each day try and share any good or humorous events with family or acquaintances so as to build positive memories from experience and create memories worth telling about in later years.

Learn to love and parent yourself

Growing up is all about shifting authority and responsibility from your parents onto you, eliminating any perceived or real harm or pain from the past, and realizing that in order to feel safe and secure you need to cultivate these feelings on your own. Belief that everything needed for mental wellbeing resides within yourself is key: knowing you deserve love and care while providing it for yourself can lead to freedom; the greatest relationship ever will be between yourself and yourself!

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Stop the cycle of negative thinking. Negative thought patterns must be broken to reduce anxiety. Negative self-talk (internal critic) may become habitual over time and need to be broken. By tracking your thoughts, you’ll gain more insight into how your mind works as well as the effect your thoughts have on emotions and behaviors – for instance if you tell yourself you are unmotivated, exhausted, stressed out and angry that is what will follow; perhaps this has happened to you before?

Keep a photo of you as a child somewhere you can view every day, to remind yourself of who is still within. Speak to yourself with empathy and care just like you would talk to any child needing help.

Start caring for yourself

Self-care can be an integral component of anxiety relief. Your body will appreciate being met its needs, quickly recognizing its benefits of regular self-care practices. Over time, your body may become used to the things it receives; for instance, exercising regularly becomes part of its routine and it feels deprived when this doesn’t happen regularly.

Have you ever owned a pet or child? You will understand the dedication and care required in taking care of their needs. In an episode from The Simpsons, Homer is shocked that his dog is unhappiness despite all his best efforts at providing comfort: ‘Why does my dog get upset so easily?” Homer asks Bart about this situation and Bart replies by informing Homer they aren’t allowed to give any food, take an outing with him, or let him out to pee. No parent wants their child waking up after four or five hours of restless sleep to find that breakfast has been skipped and sent off early to school, hoping for a quick bite before lunchtime if possible. Unfortunately, however, we often do this ourselves, only to wonder why we feel exhausted, tired and unable to focus. Therefore it is crucial that individuals develop and implement effective self-care plans tailored specifically to them.

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Take care to take good care of yourself. Self-care helps one feel good about themselves while showing understanding for their requirements, leading to feelings of intense affection and kindness towards themselves and others.