What causes hair loss in women? What causes hair loss in

By LuisWert

What causes hair loss in women? What causes hair loss in

Overview of the most common causes of hair loss in women and how to treat it naturally. Hair loss is caused by women’s Health, Diet & Nutrition Hormones, Stress Genetics, Medications, medical conditions Treatment for Skin, Acne, Pregnancy, Menopause, Andropause, Weight Loss Fitness, Lifestyle, Home Remedies, Vitamins, Herbs, Supplements, Beauty Tips and Masks, Makeup Shampoos and Conditioners.

Alopecia traction

The tension on your scalp could cause tension alopecia. This can happen when your hair is pulled back at the roots by a tight braid Health Advice or ponytail or is pulled in a tight braid. Traction alopecia is typically characterized by hair loss around the sides of your heads and progresses to hair loss in spots.

The loss of hair can be permanent or temporary. The loss of hair that occurs temporarily is often due to hormonal changes such as menopausal, pregnancy or childbirth. Permanent hair loss happens in the event that your scalp becomes totally naked.

Hair loss can also happen from medical issues like thyroid issues, anemia, diabetes, lupus, and cancer. The loss of hair can result from certain medications including birth control pills, chemotherapy drugs, and antidepressants.

What causes hair loss in Women?


Dandruff is a condition where dead skin flakes fall off of your scalp. This could make your hair appear dull and uninteresting. You might not even notice the dandruff until you begin to notice white flaky patches of skin on your scalp.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata refers to a condition that causes small lumps that appear on your scalp. The bumps can cause itching or cause pain, however they don’t grow back once they’re gone. Although they’re usually not painful, some people have headaches or fatigue.

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Trichotillomania (Trich)

Trichotillomania is a mental health disorder that causes you to pull out your own hair. Trich sufferers are more likely to do this unconsciously and do it without even realizing. If you think you have Trich, speak to your doctor about seeking help.

Telogen Effluvium

A condition in which your hair suddenly falls out is called Telogen effluvium. It is distinct from other kinds of hair loss since it doesn’t cause any damage to the follicles. Telogen effluvium occurs when your body stops producing hair.

Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium is another type of loss in hair that affects only the hair that is growing. This hair loss is much less frequent than telogen effluvieum.

Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness is among of the most common forms of hair loss for women. It’s caused by hormones called androgens. These hormones can impact the growth of hair and also stop it from growing.

Hair loss caused by chemotherapy

Both men and women are susceptible to losing hair due to chemotherapy treatments. After treatment is over the loss of hair may continue for a number of months.

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness, also known as male hair loss, is a genetic condition. It is not related to female-pattern baldness.

Hair loss postpartum

Many mothers experience postpartum hair loss. It usually begins three months after giving birth.

Stress Related Hair Loss

Stress can cause hair loss. The loss of hair caused by stress tends to be temporary. If you worry constantly about losing your hair it may become a problem.

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Hormonal Changes During Menopause

Hair loss can occur for women following menopausal. After menopause, estrogen levels decrease. Estrogen helps keep your hair healthy. Hair may become thinner as your hormone levels decrease.

Hair loss may be caused by medications

Some medications can cause hair loss. Examples include isotretinoin (Accutane), chemotherapy drugs, and some antidepressants.

Vitamin Deficiency

Hair loss could also result from vitamin deficiencies. For instance, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause hair loss.

Fungal Infections

Loss of hair can be caused by fungal infections , such as tinea capitis. Tinea capitis is an infection that affects the scalp. Tinea capitis can cause hair loss in children.

Certain skin conditions

Certain skin conditions can also cause hair loss such as seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatologitis can be described as an inflammation of the skin. It’s most commonly seen on the upper chest, scalp, and face.


Scars can create permanent marks on your skin. In rare cases, the scars may result in hair loss.

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia (ah-LOH-pee-kuh) is a term that means “hairlessness.” There are a variety of kinds of alopecia. The most prevalent type is called female pattern hair loss (FPHL). It affects approximately 88% of women aged 50+. FPHL typically begins around age 30, and lasts until menopausal.

Alopecia may also be due to male pattern hair loss (MPHL), which only affects males. Additionally, alopecia areata is a patchy type of hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia is an inherited condition that causes hair loss in both males as well women.

How Common Is Hair Loss in women?

About one-third of women has lost their hair by the age of 40. At the age of 60, nearly half of women have experienced some kind of hair loss.

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How can I tell if my hair loss is normal?

If you’re suffering from any kind of hair loss, talk with your physician. Consult your physician if you notice new hair loss, particularly if it’s not normal for you. A physical exam, blood tests and/or biopsy might be recommended by your physician.

Your doctor will likely tell you that loss of hair is not serious enough to be concerned about If you’re healthy. But that doesn’t mean you will not feel any signs of hair loss.

Is there a method to stop hair loss?

Certain lifestyle choices can prevent hair loss. These include eating a balanced diet and regularly exercising.

Can Hair Transplantation Help Me?

The procedure of hair transplantation is an additional alternative for those looking to restore their hair growth. While there are many benefits of having hair transplants they aren’t always right for everyone. Before making any major decisions, talk to your doctor.